Casing the Joint: Planning for the SBAC

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D.A. Freccia: You’re a pretty smart fella.

Joe Moore: Ah, not that smart.

D.A. Freccia: [If] you’re not that smart, how’d you figure it out?

Joe Moore: I tried to imagine a fella smarter than myself. Then I tried to think, “what would he do?”

-Heist, 2001

Any great heist begins with planning.  You can’t just go do a job without doing your homework.  This means careful and systematic analysis of what exactly your objectives are, location of the goods, tendencies of employees, and level of security.  It also means mapping out the most important part: the getaway.

1. Know Your Mark

You’ll need to use some careful surveillance if you are get at the SBAC goods.  Monitoring the SBAC website is a good place to begin.  The site is a little intimidating at first, but if you’re a CCSD teacher, the good folks at AARSI have most of the most pertinent links nestled snuggly on interact.  The resources portion of the site is quite informative actually.

2. Change your Plans

You’ve been doing this for a while.  You’re a professional.  But…this assessment will require you to insure that your efforts are concentrated in the right places.  You might need to think outside of the teacher’s manual on this one.

It’s all about claims and assessment targets now.  Claims and Targets…and it’s almost like the SBAC wants to be robbed.  They have the entire blueprint for your instruction and your ultimate success on this job lined up for you.  It spells out your hustle almost entirely.  Now all you have to do is use your considerable talents to relieve the marks of the goods. Here is the information for ELA and Math.

Every great heist starts out with a plan.  Make sure yours does as well.

SBAC: The Heist

Worried about the SBAC? You shouldn’t be. The SMARTER BALANCED ASSESSMENT CONSORTIUM Test which is replacing the good ole CRT ain’t that big of a deal.  Imagine the SBAC is a bank job.  Preparation for it is like stealing candy from a baby.  You just need a plan, a crew, some tools, and an strategy to get away with the goods.  Don’t have a clue how to put it together? The Hoodlums have got you covered.

Inspired by David Mamet’s Classic film, we’ll walk you through everything you’ll need to be a proper villain with respect to the SBAC.

1. Casing the Joint: Planning makes Perfect

2. Assembling Your Crew: Collaboration and Student Involvement

3. Doing Your Shopping: What tools will you need?



For the inaugural issue of Technically Insane, we will consider the new evaluation rubric, The Nevada Educator Performance Framework (NEPF).  You can find more resources by searching for the layer #Technically Insane and NEPF Type Thing on the Curriculum Engine.

Technically Insane- NEPF from Chocolate Teacher on Vimeo.